A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.
Ethel Davis, President
Martha Staniford, Vice President
Candice Eggerss, Treasurer
Sue Webster, Secretary
Give generously to the LPLT.
The LPLT is a 501(c)(3) entity: EIN 22-3130872
All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
All correspondence and checks can be sent to:
P.O. Box 96 Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Ethel: president@lyndepointlandtrust.org Candice: Lplttreasurer@gmail.com To receive information directly contact Sue: lpltclerk@gmail.com
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Copyright © 2024 Lynde Point Land Trust - All Rights Reserved.
Photos by Judy Benson/Connecticut Sea Grant and Jennifer Mccann. Spring photos by Brett Morrison, Annie Procaccini and Frank Keeney.
Aerial photography by Christopher Zajac, website photos by Jack Gagne. copyright 2024.
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